Singing Guide: Music Box Song

Singing Guide: Music Box Song

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning how to sing like Music Box is a great way to train your voice for a unique and interesting style. One of the defining features of Music Box's singing is her use of falsetto, a technique that involves singing in a higher register than your natural voice. One of her most famous songs, "Countdown," showcases this technique perfectly.

To train your falsetto singing, there are several Singing Carrots resources that could be helpful. The vocal range test can help you determine the upper limit of your natural voice, which can give you a starting point for practicing falsetto. The pitch accuracy test is also useful for training your ears to hear and produce higher notes.

In addition to falsetto, Music Box is also known for her breathy voice and use of vibrato. The "Singing with Vibrato" article on Singing Carrots is a great resource for learning how to incorporate this technique into your singing. The "Breath Support" article is also essential for developing the breath control necessary to sing with a breathy voice.

Finally, it's important to note that Music Box's style of singing is heavily influenced by pop and electronic music. The "Pop/Jazz vs Classical Singing" article can help you understand the differences between these two approaches to singing and how to apply them to your practice.

By using these Singing Carrots resources and practicing regularly, you can develop a unique and expressive singing style like Music Box.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.